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As people are getting busier, they get more reluctant to pay attention to the hundreds of alerts and notifications they get on their cell phones, PCs or laptops. RemindME is an unconventional reminder! The goal is to bring the process to the physical world to make the user have a moment of disconnection with the digital world. This is a two-weeks project as a part of physical computing studio at Carnegie Mellon University. 

RemindME projects letters or symbols on any surface like a wall to remind about the tasks the user has posted on their Wunderlist To-do list. The letters are generated from the Wunderlist for privacy and playfulness. 

The device connects to a Raspberry Pi3 which constantly sends requests to the Wundershare API. By the time of event raspberry Pi determines the current letter and then calculates the degree of rotation to get to the desired letter. The mechanism is simple but effective. Two stepper motors rotate simultaneously and as a result a black roll of paper with all the letters start rotating. Motors stop at the desired letter and then the letter will be projected to the wall with the source of light behind the letters. 

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